Thursday, September 24, 2020

South African conservationist killed by his own lions

 South African conservationist killed by his own lion at safari lodge

A lioness became aggressive towards others and turned her attention to the conservationist affectionately known as "Uncle West"

he died after he was mauled by white lions as he was taking them for a walk.

The wife of west Mattewson who followed in a car tried to distract the lions but it was too late.he ran a popular safari lodge "Lion tree top lodge" in limpopo province.

his relatives have said that Wednesdays attack could have been the result of very rough play.

The lioness were tranquilised following the attack. it have since been 

moved another game lodge are expected to be released into the wild at a later stage.

The same lioness reportedly killed a man working on a neighbouring property after they broke out of the enclosure in 2017.

Mr. Mattewson is said to have rescued the lions from "Canned hunting" whereby animals are hunted in an enclosed area,or they are bred to be hunted and they were kept in an enclosure in his lodge.

source : BBC

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